Sen. Denise Ricciardi, is a Bedford Republican and co-sponsor of the bill SB 175 affectionately coined the “MOMnibus” bill.

From The New Hampshire Bulletin

“When I came to the New Hampshire Senate, for me it was about doing the best that we can, not about political party,” Ricciardi said. “It’s about thinking of all families across New Hampshire and doing what’s best for them.”

The MOMnibus expands aid for new mothers from 2 months postpartum to 12 months postpartum and adds important doula and lactation services and donor milk bank access.

“When we talk about someone making $45,138 we are talking about the heart and soul of our workforce. We are talking about the very people we need to attract and retain to keep all other industries functioning. We are talking about food prep workers, servers, child care workers, retail workers, parademics, administrative workers, and substance use and mental health counselors. Women are the majority of these workers. And they have babies. And they need health care in order to stay healthy and keep working.”

In order to support our workforce we need to recognize that our workforce has babies. And women need care before, during, and after they give birth and return to work.

This bill is pro-mother.

This bill is pro-baby.

This bill is pro-family.

This bill is pro-workforce.

This bill is pro-economy.