Senator Ricciardi currently serves on these committees: Chair, Transportation; Vice Chair, Commerce

BILLS 2023

View Bills Senator Ricciardi Sponsored This Session



Getting our economy back on track is the top priority. We need to keep taxes low and fight against Democrat efforts to pass a sales tax, income tax, or capital gains tax. If we are going to get our friends and neighbors back to work and help our struggling small businesses survive and thrive we need to lower business taxes, we need to lower energy and healthcare costs through more competition and less government intervention. I have taken the Pledge to never vote for a Sales or Income tax for New Hampshire.

Safe streets

I stand with law enforcement, they keep our communities safe. They go to work every day wearing a bullet proof vest knowing that they may not come home to their families at the end of their shift. We owe them our support and should work to ensure they have the tools and resources they need to fight crime and to protect us and protect themselves from criminals.


I believe that every child in our state deserves every possible opportunity to succeed in life. I believe funding for education should follow the child and every parent should have more choices when it comes to educating their children, whether its choosing a public school, a public charter school, home schooling or other education options. Parents know best when it comes to their children, not the government. I also believe we need to expand education in the trades. There is a high demand for high skilled, high paid workers and entrepreneurs that are trained carpenters, electricians, machinists, plumbers, and other highly skilled trades. We need to make sure these options are available to our students.


Our electricity rates are some of the highest in the region and it is hurting businesses and working families in our state. This is an issue that we will only be able to resolve through bi-partisan cooperation, and I am committed to working to lowering rates for all consumers.

Clean Water

We need to guarantee the safety of our drinking water. We need to make sure that we are testing our wells, and doing everything we can to stop the spread of PFOA’s and other contaminants. I think the legislature has taken some good steps in the right direction to strengthen water quality standards, but we need to do more. This has to be a priority for all of us, and an issue that should be non-partisan. If elected I will work with the Governor’s office and legislators from both parties to fight this growing problem.

A Voice for Our Communities

Our communities need a champion that isn’t afraid to work in a bi-partisan manner to get things done. Working families struggling to make ends meet, and small business owners that are trying to keep their businesses open don’t care about the R or the D next to your name, they care about getting real results.

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, even before the Governor issued the stay at home orders, I started an organization called Bedford Cares. In one week I had a website up, a telephone hotline, a Facebook page and over 100 recruited volunteers. We delivered food and prescription drugs to those that were immune compromised and couldn’t leave their homes, we helped the local food pantry, and just as important we let everyone in the community know that they weren’t alone and they had people looking out for them and willing to help. That is the attitude that I will bring to the State Senate. Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard and everyone’s family deserves a champion that will fight for them. As your Senator I will always work to produce results that matter and give voice to every constituent in every community I represent.

I will often work in a bipartisan fashion which sometimes means crossing the aisle and working with everyone to get my priorities accomplished.

If you have any questions or want to know where I stand on any issue please email me at info (at)

Thank you!
Denise Ricciardi